
14 Apr 1836

The American missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease discussing schools

The American missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease discussing schools:

To day Messrs Pierides and Valsamachi called on me and informed me that several of the principal Greeks of the place had met and concluded to establish a high school, that they had secures the services of Mr. Themistocles, and had estimated the annual expenses at $500 and thought that $350 could be raised amongst the people. Thereupon I told them that on condition on there were no pictures of Saints, no prayers to saints, that the Scriptures were introduced as a class book, and I had the privilege of teaching some of the sciences etc. I would subscribe $150, would sell the books which I had at cost to those who were able to purchase, and give to others, would so far as possible let the school have the use of maps, globes, orrery etc. It was with no little pleasure that I received from them such a proposition, I hope they will continue as they have begun.