
01 Aug 1928

Swedish Archaeologist Alfred Westholm enjoyed some relaxation time after completing the field work at Vouni


Swedish Archaeologist Alfred Westholm enjoyed some relaxation time after completing the field work at Vouni:

The last letter was concluded all too hastily in the rush in Nicosia. The completion at Vouni went hurriedly as well. On Tuesday last week Einar came out to the excavation, urged me to finish up as quickly as possible. It was considered, it seems, that I was the one in most need of rest and a car was leaving for Machera on Saturday, and if at all possible I was to go with it. I therefore made a final surge and late Thursday evening the last lorry left from Vouni. Shortly after that, the two excavation leaders whizzed down the mountain in their elegant Volvo, the younger dressed in a horribly torn shirt with no sleeves. We left Vouni in the quiet moonlit night, and 3 hours later we were in Nicosia. All day Friday I was immersed in the unpacking of the tomb finds and in the evening Einar and I went to the most elegant barber shop I have ever seen and underwent everything they had to offer, haircutting, shaving, shampooing, face and body massage, and so on. After two hours of treatment that I shall never forget, we drove out to a restaurant, had supper and drove from there out into the night for a car ride in the moonlight. It was wonderful to feel that everything was over, and I relaxed as one ought to do after seven months in the field. By two in the morning we were home again, and I must admit I was quite sleepy. Car travel has become a passion for me, which despite enjoying almost to excess, I can never get enough of. Around Nicosia there are also the most wonderful roads, where one can easily get up to 90 km. speed and more. At 4 o’clock Tooulis came and woke me. Finally up to Machera!