
20 May 1632

Le Sieur de Stochove arrived in Cyprus after an adventurous journey:

We left Laja, in the ancient province of Caria at Midnight to anticipate the foul wind (ambat) which always prevails in the afternoon. We arrived towards evening at Cape Nemoury and anchored waiting to cross over to Cyprus, about 35 leagues away during the night. We sailed at midnight and with the dawn saw a pirate frigate which chased us for good three hours. She could not catch us and turned back again. On May 20 towards evening we made Cyprus and anchored about twelve miles off Gerines which we reached the next morning. The island of Cyprus has always been reckoned the chiefest and most fertile in the Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks, by reason of its pleasantness, called it Maxalia or Macaria the Blest. Also Crypta or Criptan because in certain places the land is so low that it seems hidden in the waters. Also Cerastis on account of the headlands jutting out like horns, and lastly Cyprus from the abundance of Cypress trees.