
10 Sep 1957

Edith Belcher, wife of US Consul, went downtown to the main shopping centre for provisions

 Edith Belcher, wife of US Consul, went downtown to the main shopping centre for provisions:

Spent the morning with the boys in town buying clothes for school. Spinney, run by Englishman here, is the least attractive store in town and run by the least attractive people. Bought most there, but found another place, Kaniklides- delightful man that had been in America ten years- right near 95th street and Riverside Drive. Had a large beauty salon. Left because of bad luck and said seemed so much like an omen that he came back to Cyprus. No trouble about charge account there- says to pay whenever I want. Spinney on the other hand will give you little credit and if you want it, they more or less desire that you trade at their grocery store. I paid cash and to hell with them.