
15 Sep 1839

American Missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease was astonished at the money and prayers that were given to the Panayia of Kykkos by the Cypriots

American Missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease was astonished at the money and prayers that were given to the Panayia of Kykkos by the Cypriots:

The other day when I went to Scala, the nurse gave me 29p to give to her husband. I did not know for what purpose she sent them by me. When Peter received it, he asked me what she wished to be done with it. I told him I supposed to pay some of her debts.

No, said he, 20p are to light a candle for the Panayia of Cico.

Is it possible, said I, that she can give 20p for such a purpose? Why does she give it? Oh she made a vow, I believe for her sick child.

When I came home I spoke to her about it; she said that she was a good Christian, that she had lived in our family for one year and had eaten meat etc during the fasts and now she wished to save her soul.

All that is right said I, you ought to care for your soul; but how is this to benefit you? We find no command to this effect in the Bible. Ah, we who do not know how to read are saved thus, but you who know are saved otherwise.