
28 Feb 1838

28 February 1838: Lorenzo Warriner Pease wrote about his observations on the Latin carnival and Green Monday, and his help to the Bishop of Larnaca

28 February 1838: Lorenzo Warriner Pease wrote about his observations on the Latin carnival and Green Monday, and his help to the Bishop of Larnaca.

"Last night the French consul had another ball at the conclusion of the Latin carnival. They danced till sunrise, when we were at breakfast, the bell of the chapel rang and they went from the ballroom to chapel. Many then went to St George of the Near. Themistocles says that they often spend this day (the first of the long fast) in feasting there as they wish to shorten the fast as much as possible. The Archimandrite of Bishop Damaskinos called on me today and brought the catalogues of the poor in Larnaca. We did not count them but suppose these must not be far from 1000 souls down. Of course all these cannot be assisted. He took the papers back again to take out those who are in destitute circumstances and cannot support themselves."

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