
02 Oct 1553

2 October 1553: John Locke visited Cyprus on his way to Jerusalem. He stopped twice on the island, once going, and then during his return home.

2 October 1553: John Locke visited Cyprus on his way to Jerusalem. He stopped twice on the island, once going, and then during his return home.

“The second of October we returned to Amacho, where we rested untill the sixth day. This towne is a pretie village, there are thereby toward the sea side divers monuments, that there hath bene great overthrow of buildings, for to this day there is no yere when they finde not, digging under ground, either coines, caves, and sepulchres of antiquities, as we walking, did see many, so that in effect, all alongst the seacoast, throughout the whole Island, there is much ruine and overthrow of buildings: for as they say, it was disinhabited sixe and thirtie yeres before Saint Helens time for lacke of water. And since that time it hathe bene ruinated and overthrowen by Richard the first of that name, king of England, which he did in revenge of his sisters ravishment comming to Jerusalem, the which inforcement was done to her by the king of Famagusta.”

The ‘History Today’ series is made possible with the support of OPAP (Cyprus).