Tomasso Cirilli with wife and adopted family




Ricordo di Larnaca [Memory of Larnaca] Lentrata della casa mio [-?] [The entrance to the house my -?] Signora Emilia Branca con le sue tre figlietto Lily Mafalda and Yolanda - La Signorina Delia Cirilli e il vecchio tuo zio Tomaso. [Mrs. Emilia Branca with her three young daughters, Lily, Mafalda & Yolanda. Miss Delia Cirilli and your old uncle Tomaso] 14.8.29


Black and white photograph of Tomasso Cirilli, the great uncle of Sylvain Béraud, with his family in the yard of their house. Also in the picture are Béraud's great aunt Marie, wife of Tommaso, their adopted daughter Emilia along with her daughters Eliana, Mafalda and Yolanda





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