Over 40.000 photographs from the 1880s to 1970s touch upon many aspects of Cyprus life: its monuments, landscapes and people.
Eater Holidays 1943. Cyprus. In the Sgts Mess. R.A.S.C. M.S.M. Whittam & Sgt. Johnson.
Kyrenia, Cyprus. March 1943 Outside No.11 A.B.P.O. M.G.Y. Pte. Griggs & Cpl Hurst.
1943 - 03
Kyrenia, Cyprus. March 1943 Some of the chaps of No.3 w/shops Plat. R.A.S.C.
1943 - 03
The staff of No.11 Advanced Base Pay Office. M.E.F. Cyprus 1943. British Military Personnel
Alexandria November 1943.
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943 L to R. L/Cpl. Hickey. Pte Kleinberg. L/Cpl. Buston.
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943 L to R. L/Cpl. Buston. L/Cpl. Hickey, Pte Kleinberg.
1943 - 11
Alexandria Nov. 1943. Nouza Gardens. Reg. Buston & I.
1943 - 11
Alexandria Nov. 1943. Nouza Gardens.
1943 - 11
Alexandria Nov. 1943. With Roley Beaumont an old Jerusalem roomate.
1943 - 11
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. Harry Houghton & I at Gezira, Cairo.
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. S.S.M. McLaughlan, Fritz Jochem U.S.N. and of course The Sphinx
1944 - 01
Cairo. Gezira Sporting Club January 1944. “Taking it easy” With a Dragonman & Alan Perry near Shepheards Hotel Cairo
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. The party going down into one of the tombs
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. Lieut Gooding in a stone coffin, “well guarded”
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. We found a wooden statue, Fritz wanted to sleep with it.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. A badly taken group "no questions please"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. We raid a graveyard "Lovely skulls one even had a rattle inside it"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. Fritz Jochem U.S.N. guarded by Mr. Davies
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. A group taken whilst having lunch in the tomb of the blessed bull. Group includes S.S.M. McLaughlan Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies & Lieut Gooding.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. In a Cairo tram going to the Pyramids Jan. 44. S.S.M. McLaughlan, Walter Snow U.S.N. & I.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944 Two snaps of the group which includes Lieut Gooding, Mr. Davies, S.S.M. McLaughlan and I.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944 Two snaps of the group which includes Lieut Gooding, Mr. Davies, S.S.M. McLaughlan and I.
1944 - 01
Cairo Feb. & March 1944. Bob Sivyer and his W.O.