Numerous objects trigger countless memories and tell wonderful stories: From the last flag flying at Government House to the menus for the Queen’s birthday, to the Jewish newspapers printed in the internment camps of Famagusta, to Cyprus cigarette boxes and Government House guest books, etc.
Hand fan
1950 - 1960
Wooden cane
20th century
Umbrella -Parasol
ca. 1920
Umbrella -Parasol
ca. 1920
Umbrella -Parasol
ca. 1920
Key Ring
Hand Fan
Hand Fan
Feathered hand fan
Key chain
20th century
Key chain
20th century
Hat pin
ca. 1930
Hat pin
ca. 1930
Folding hand fan
1960 - 1970
Lady's hand fan
1960 - 1970
Printed lady's hand fan
1950 - 1960
Leather purse covered in enamel
ca. 1870
Money pouch
ca. 1870
Lady's fan
1960 - 1970
Lady's fan
1950 - 1960
20th century
20th century
Hand fan
19th century