Numerous objects trigger countless memories and tell wonderful stories: From the last flag flying at Government House to the menus for the Queen’s birthday, to the Jewish newspapers printed in the internment camps of Famagusta, to Cyprus cigarette boxes and Government House guest books, etc.
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Wooden plate
Clay plate
Tin mug
Tin mug
Tin mug
Mineral collection
1965 Queen Elizabeth II Churchill Crown
Glass petrol lamp
19th century
Turkish water jug
19th century
Traditional Cypriot gourd
20th century
Gold brooch
Gold bracelet
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century