
08 Απρ 1806

Ali Bey el Abassi on his way to Mazotos village came across the Larnaca aqueduct

Ali Bey el Abassi on his way to Mazotos village came across the Larnaca aqueduct:

At a quarter past two in the afternoon of April 8 I left Larnaca, travelling S.S.W. I soon came upon an aqueduct of some length, but of poor construction. At a quarter past three I stopped for half an hour or so in the garden of a country house. As I left it the weather began to break, and though I pushed on, the rain caught me on the road. It was six o'clock when I reached Mazzotos. The plain which we crossed was rather fertile. At two or three miles from the road it is bounded by the sea, on the other side, at a somewhat greater distance, by mountains. Mazzotos is a poor village on good soil at the foot of the hills.