
14 Φεβ 1929

The Swedish archaeologist Alfred Westholm writes to his parents about his latest journey around Cyprus

The Swedish archaeologist Alfred Westholm writes to his parents about his latest journey around Cyprus:

One day last week all four of us made an excursion to Karpassos to visit our friend Gunnis’s excavations near a village called Komi-Khebir. Already in Bogáz, however, we met his lorry on its way home. We therefore changed our plans and after a very agreeable lunch at the aforementioned hostelry, we steered the Volvo down to Salamis and Famagusta, and visited both. We drove home through Larnaca. The whole thing was an especially memorable outing in the most wonderful spring weather. Here in Nicosia everything is going pretty well. I hope this week to finish the whole classification and documentation of the finds from the Vouni tombs which should be almost ready for publication then.