
03 Νοέ 1930

The Swedish achaeologist Alfred Westholm described a Cypriot wedding in Larnaca

The Swedish achaeologist Alfred Westholm described a Cypriot wedding in Larnaca:

The same day that I wrote my last letter we all drove down to Larnaca where Pierides married off his niece. It was one of the biggest events in memory on Cyprus, with a wedding procession of nearly 100 cars. We were there as Π’s own guests of honour and he himself drove around with the Swedish flag on his car which was a gesture of honour toward us, as he is not only Swedish consul but also German and Austrian. After the wedding some 400 people were invited to his home and the champagne flowed freely in a truly grand manner. Π has withdrawn from all politics and now lives on his Crown Prince memories, and is like a fine older uncle to us all. He is, after all, the one who took the initiative for the entire Cyprus adventure, who established contact with the Crown Prince, pushed through special legislation for our excavations and took care of general public opinion for us. When we finish now he will retire to his magnificent house and live among his art collections, a large portion of which he first presented to the Crown Prince, surely worth 50-75,000 kronor.