The Orientalist and diplomat Johan David Akerbald was the first Swede to show real antiquarian interest in Cyprus. In his journal he mentions the places he visited:
June 1st, half past three Paphos, seven o’clock Potami – copper mines, a quarter to five Kamuja – a quarter past five Lapitiou – six o’ clock Χρυσοροιατις, a monastery.
June 2nd, Travelled from there at half past five. Half past twelve Chitou (Χύτρος, κοινώς Χίτρι).
June 3rd we started at half past four and arrived at Solea at four o’ clock.
June 4th left Solea (Σόλοι) at four o’ clock. At eight o’ clock Peristerona where we reposed for some hours, during which time a total eclipse occurred, which we did not see. One o’ clock Nicosia (Λευκωσία, κοινώς Νικωσία).
June 5th stayed in Nicosia the whole of that day.
June 6th Left Nicosia in the morning and arrived after dinner at Larnaca.