
02 Φεβ 1835

The American missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease refers to a Catholic or Protestant feast, the celebration of Candlemas

The American missionary Lorenzo Warriner Pease refers to a Catholic or Protestant feast, the celebration of Candlemas:

Today is a festa in honor of the Virgin Mary. The people are calling out to visit the brides and others. Mr. Marino, wife and daughters called on us dressed in all the finery of the day- gold, silver, pearls and diamonds were displayed in great profusion. The Cypriots love ornaments. Bracelets, rings, birds in the hair and every kind of ornament which can be put on, are worn, and if they are not able to procure gold, they will purchase a composition less valuable. Many of the poor women get a [blue] glass ring, which they put over their hands and keep on their wrists. Dancing is very common also. Last night I heard the sound of the viol and today, when we called on the Swedish consul at about 11 o’clock, he had just arisen from his bed and was in complete dishabille. Comfort does the pursuit of such pleasure afford.

Among the ancient customs not yet entirely disused, I noticed that of the females in wearing a horn on the foreheads on which the headdress is formed. I have seen it however but once or twice. It is yet common in Syria.