
29 Δεκ 1472

According to George Boustronios, following the death of James II, his wife, Caterina Cornaro, had to face much upheaval. The people of Nicosia wanted their queen in the capital. Philip Singritico, who was captain of Sivouri, was sent to appease the crowds

According to George Boustronios, following the death of James II, his wife, Caterina Cornaro, had to face much upheaval. The people of Nicosia wanted their queen in the capital. Philip Singritico, who was captain of Sivouri, was sent to appease the crowds and told them:

“My lords, know that her ladyship the queen has given orders to the count of Tripoli and to peter D’ Avila, that they are coming to confer with you, so that you can tell them what you are asking for.” And they all exclaimed with one voice: “We want our ladyship the queen to come to Nicosia, and to live and die in her name and that of our lord.!” The captain of Sivouri moreover, on hearing this said to them: “Do you want me to go and fetch them, for you to speak to them so that they might see your enthusiasm” and they said to him: “Let them come”. And the captain went, as well as Benedict Cartagena, Sir Philip de Nores, Stephen Kadouna, John of Emesa, Master Nicholas de Pis, Anthony the basket maker and Pierre the Savoyard, who were constables, in order to speak to the lords who had come from Famagusta. In addition the captain went and told them that he had spoken to the people “in accordance with your orders, and they said that they want their lady and their lord to come to Nicosia, and they said that your lordship should go”.