The Ex- mufti of Nicosia


Henderson, Keith (1883-1982)


ca. 1921


Inscribed on verso: ' the ex mufti of Cyprus'


The sitter is Muftu Hafız ZİYAİ Efendi, a very eminent and respected old member of the Turkish Cypriot Nicosia society. He is here seated in Arab Ahmet mosque. His grandson was Dr.Behzat-AZİZBEYLI. The artist also photographed his work and gave it as a souvenir to the sitter. The green colour, the holy colour of Islam is eminent in the picture, and the mufti is leaning on the typical rail designating his space in the mosque.


65 x 33 cm


Signed in the lower left: l.l. Keith Henderson, and also on verso:Keith Henderson





Object Type:

Oil Painting

Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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