Street Scene, Nicosia


Moghabghab, Theophile (1886-1965)




Inscribed on back: Street scene Nicosia near Serai


Theophile Mogabgab [Moghabghab] was a Franco-Levantine who lived in Cyprus. He originally worked for the Land Registry and in 1935 was appointed curator of the monuments in Famagusta. He compiled supplementary excerpts for the history of Cyprus to Cobham’s Excerpta Cypria. Having being trained as a topographer at the University of Beirut, Mogabgab often painted scenes of Cyprus. This view of a street scene in Nicosia is imbued with the oriental flavour of the town. The three-storey house built with stone and mudbrick bears the characteristic Ottoman trellis-windows. The street, successfully shaded to emanate a subtle air of mystery, is frequented by figures dressed in quaint costumes. These include an Ottoman wearing his turban, a Turk with the fez, a number of Muslim women totally covered, and a central female figure revealing her face. The diversity of fashion and mode of dress signifies a certain period in the history of the island whereby elements of modernity coexisted with tradition. For example, the use of the turban and fez mark different phases in the development of the Turkish dress. The inclusion of a Greek Orthodox priest adds a dimension of religious and ethnic pluralism. A cypress tree looms large in the background.


26 x 18 cm


Signed in lower right: Theo Moghabghab





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