L'aurore d'une beau jour, Chypre


Beeger, Max


ca. 1880


This watercolour portrays a sailing boat off the coast of Kyrenia. A couple is seated in the centre of the boat, but the focal figure appears to be the skipper. Three sailors are rowing along the shores. Two Greek flags fly on the masts of the boat. It is extremely interesting to find the three main figures dressed in traditional Greek costumes. This fact along with the title of the watercolour may represent a metaphorical allusion to the Cypriots’ alleged aspiration to be recognized as Greeks and unite with their ‘motherland’. An artist’s reflection on that aspiration becomes more obviously relevant upon the British taking control of the island. That would be the ‘dawn of a beautiful day in Cyprus’.


32 x 40 cm







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© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

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