Adah çiftlic


Storrs, Ronald (1881-1955)




Ronald Storrs was governor and commander in chief of Cyprus (1926-1932). During his stay, he would spend some summer days in Kyrenia in a small humble house overlooking the town just under St. Hilarion mountain. This house was built in a large estate called Adah çiftlic. Use of the house was offered to him by a local Cypriot. In return, and as a gesture of appreciation, Ronald Storrs painted this scene of the house and its surrounding vegetation. The white washed walls of the house contrast with the dark green of the trees. There is serenity and a magnificent view of the landscape down to the sea.


20 x 27 cm


Signed Indistinctly with initials

Acquisition Note:

Donated by Nikos Severis




Lady Maritsa Blackall



Object Type:

Oil Painting

Rights Holder:

© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation

Rights Statement:

The Costas and Rita Severis Foundation holds or manages the copyright(s) of this item and its digital reproduction. If you need information about using this item, please send an email to

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