Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Snowy mountains, Glen Nevis
20th century
Houses and mountains in Glen Nevis
20th century
Houses near lake in Glen Nevis
20th century
View of snowy mountains in Glen Nevis
20th century
Lake between mountains
20th century
Stone houses and pier
20th century
Stone houses and pier
20th century
Mountains, castle and a house near lake
20th century
Castle near lake with mountains behind it
20th century
Castle and trees near lake
20th century
Lake view with mountains behind
20th century
Lake in Scotland
20th century
House near lake and mountains with three people walking
20th century
Animals in a lake
20th century
Glen Affric
20th century
Glen Affric
20th century
Lake and mountains in Scotland
20th century
Small island in a loch
20th century
Glen Affric
20th century
Glen Affric
20th century
Glen Affric
20th century
Loch Broom
20th century
Loch Hourn
20th century
Houses near lake
20th century