Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Parade for national day celebrations
ca. 1958
Parade in Larnaca
ca. 1958
Parade in Larnaca
ca. 1958
On the Larnaca pier
ca. 1958
Friends of Roberts dressed as Arabs
ca. 1958
Arab women in the old city. Jerusalem. Dec. 1940.
1940 - 12
The old city. Jerusalem July. 1941 Arab women carrying their wares in baskets carried on their heads
1941 - 07
A study of Arab women, in the old city, note how they carry their wares in baskets, placed on the head.
ca. 1941
Cairo. Gezira Sporting Club January 1944. “Taking it easy” With a Dragonman & Alan Perry near Shepheards Hotel Cairo
1944 - 01
Man outside a barber shop
20th century
Group of Cyprus Villagers
20th century
Cypriot man in Troodos
ca. 1930
Turkish Cypriot man at Troodos Mountains
ca. 1930
Greek Cypriot man playing the flute at Troodos
ca. 1930
Cypriot man in the fields
ca. 1930
Turkish policeman
ca. 1930
Cypriot man in the fields
ca. 1930
Cypriot Villagers
ca. 1930
Native Women
20th century
Sheila, Myrtle, Betty & I
Sheila, Betty & I
ca. 1946
On the balcony
ca. 1947
Turkish cypriot men
20th Century
Two Cypriot women
ca. 1950- 1952