Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Electricity installation at Government House
Construction of Government House
Construction of Government House
Ceiling of Government House
1930 -1940
Construction of Government House
1930 -1940
Construction of Government House
1930 -1940
20th century
20th century
Boats in the sea, Skye island
20th century
Houses by seaside
20th century
Skye island and the lighthouse from a distance
20th century
Stone houses near sea
20th century
Cliffs at Isle of Skye
20th century
House on Isle of Skye
20th century
Highland cattle
20th century
Loch Scavaig
20th century
Misty Mountains in Scotland
20th century
Mountain of Isle of Skye
20th century
Mountains around a lake
20th century
Houses near lake
20th century
Houses and boats on beach
20th century
House on waters edge
20th century
Lake and mountains
20th century
Isle of Skye
20th century