Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Cairo. Gezira Sporting Club January 1944. “Taking it easy” Cairo Cathedral
1944 - 01
Cairo. Gezira Sporting Club January 1944. “Taking it easy” With a Dragonman & Alan Perry near Shepheards Hotel Cairo
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. The Pillars at the entrance to the Courtyard built approx 5,000 B.C.
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. General view of excavations of Tombs.
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. The remains of pillars in the main courtyard.
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. An excavated wall
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. A stone coffin in the foreground with excavations etc. and the Step Pyramid of Sakkarah in the rear.
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. The party going down into one of the tombs
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. Lieut Gooding in a stone coffin, “well guarded”
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. We found a wooden statue, Fritz wanted to sleep with it.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. A badly taken group "no questions please"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. We raid a graveyard "Lovely skulls one even had a rattle inside it"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah. Jan. 44. More snaps but of a lighter nature. Fritz Jochem U.S.N. guarded by Mr. Davies
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. Inscriptions on the walls of tombs & false doors. Each emblem represents a letter. i.e. a bird "T"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. Inscriptions on the walls of tombs & false doors. Each emblem represents a letter. i.e. a bird "T"
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. A group taken whilst having lunch in the tomb of the blessed bull. Group includes S.S.M. McLaughlan Fritz Jochem, Mr. Davies & Lieut Gooding.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. In a Cairo tram going to the Pyramids Jan. 44. S.S.M. McLaughlan, Walter Snow U.S.N. & I.
1944 - 01
Two photograhs taken in Jan. 44 which I consider worth enlarging. The Sheikh in Mena village.
1944 - 01
Two photograhs taken in Jan. 44 which I consider worth enlarging. This photograph was taken 'into' the sun, it is the mosque & minaret of the village of Mena
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944 Two snaps of the group which includes Lieut Gooding, Mr. Davies, S.S.M. McLaughlan and I.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944 Two snaps of the group which includes Lieut Gooding, Mr. Davies, S.S.M. McLaughlan and I.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944 Inscriptions on a tomb.
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. Bases of pillars in the main temple
1944 - 01
Sakkarah Jan. 1944. The tomb of the sacred bull.
1944 - 01