The palace of Vouni was the major excavation site for the Swedes. But Swedish archaeologist Alfred Westholm decided there was another Vouni he wanted to explore:
Saturday and Sunday Erikos and I are planning an excursion of at least two days down to the Limasol district. There is a place where it is said they have found statues. Maybe it will be a worthwhile excavation site in the coming year. We will go down and see now. Strangely enough the new place is also called Vouni. Erikos and I get on very well together when we go on raids like this, and we always experience the most astonishing things. Usually we invent some mischief every day, with amusing fotografitrices and the like. John is his usual self, always just as funny with his quiet witticisms. He has now at this late stage decided to learn Greek and takes lessons from a kind teacher. Ulla has an enormous amount of work with both the household and the children. Also, she still suffers from the aftermath of her illness at Vouni, but it will surely pass.