
24 Eki 1927

Rupert Gunnis, Director of Antiquities and ADC to Sir Ronald Storrs, recounted the day’s activities, combining official duties with work at the museum


Rupert Gunnis, Director of Antiquities and ADC to Sir Ronald Storrs, recounted the day’s activities, combining official duties with work at the museum:

HE, Lady S and I to moat where HE presented the King’s Birthday honour of the British Empire to the recipients. A very good parade and very well done indeed, one of the best things the Police have done yet. He could not take Lago as they would have a demonstration against him, so he went to Athalassa. After lunch all of them went to the tekke at Larnaca. I stayed behind and did some work and also visited the museum, we have just got a very fine new marble torso, found in the churchyard, archaic, 5th century. Billiards after dinner.