
18 Ağu 1571

According to the traveller Ioannes Cotovicus and the inscription on Marco Antonio Bragadin’s tomb, the famous Venetian defender of Famagusta passed away on this day

According to the traveller Ioannes Cotovicus and the inscription on Marco Antonio Bragadin’s tomb, the famous Venetian defender of Famagusta passed away on this day:

The skin of Mark Antony Bragadino, torn from him while alive and suffering fearlessly, by the faithless hand of the enemy, on the eighteenth day of August of our year of our Salvation 1571, when, in the Cyprian war waged against the Turks for faith and fatherland he was overborne in the long siege of Salamis, where he commanded with constancy and valour, was brought hither from Byzantium by the care and at the cost of his brother Antony, and laid here by his devoted sons Mark, Hermolaus and Antony, to the eternal glory of God most High, of their country, and their father’s name, in the year of our Salvation 1596. He lived forty-six years.