Duthoit, Edmond (1837-1889)
Inscribed: ‘La montée jusqu’a la première du château Bufavento est rude mais pas exceptionnellement difficile. Le versant sud de la montagne est dépouille de toute verdoure et de tout buisson. La plante dite astromilia pousse seule sur les rochers et remplit l’atmosphere de son penetrant arome. L’aspect change soudain quand on attaint la crete de la montagne, la plus luxuriantevegetation, la verdure la plus fraiche sur le versant nord et se decoupe en [verso:] clair sur le bleu fonce de la mer, bordee elle-meme et cernee par la ligne blanche des montagnes irregulieresde la Caramanie. Le chateau n’est qu’un rocher fortifie moins bien conserve encore que Cantara. N’offre aucun caractere architectural. La construction est fait en moellons et la Pierre de taille excessivement rare. Plusieurs fenetres sont construites en brique ou tuiles minces et larges commes il se’n trouve dans les constructions byzantines. Presque toutes les pieces etaient voutees en berceau avec de grands arcs doubleaux saillants. Une voute couvre la porte mais il n’existe nulle part d’aercs ogives’ [‘The climb to Bufavento Castle is rough but not exceptionally difficult. The southern slope of the mountain is stripped of all greenery and bush. The so-called astromilia plant grows alone on rocks and fills the atmosphere with its penetrating aroma. The appearance suddenly changes when you reach the crest of the mountain, the most luxuriant vegetation, the freshest greenery on the northern slope and is cut out in [back:] clear on the dark blue of the sea, bordered itself and surrounded by the white line of the irregular mountains of Caramania. The castle is only a fortified rock, even less well preserved than Cantara. Does not offer any architectural character. The construction is made of rubble and ashlar excessively rare. Several windows are constructed of thin and wide brick or tiles as is found in Byzantine buildings. Almost all the rooms were barrel vaulted with large protruding double arches. A vault covers the door, but there are no warheads anywhere”]
Edmont Duthoit was a French draftsman from Amiens who came to Cyprus as a member of the second French mission to Phoenicia organized by Viollet-le-Duc. The mission consisted of Count De Vogue, Henri William Widdington and Edmonmt Duthoit and visited Cyprus in 1862 and 1865. Duthoit made more that three hundred sketches of Cyprus and was particularly fascinated by the Gothic monuments on the island. This is an aspect of Buffavento castle from the foothills of the mountain with a long inscription by the artist
20 x 13 cm
Signed in lower right: DEC
Camille Enlart Collection
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© Costas and Rita Severis Foundation
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