1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
At the office. Jerusalem. Nov. 1940. Mr Lovitch & myself
1940 - 11
At the office. Jerusalem. Nov. 1940. Myself
1940 - 11
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. "Old city"
1940 - 12
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. "New city"
1940 - 12
Studies of Arabs in the old city. Dec. 1940. An Arab woman buying vegetables
1940 - 12
Studies of Arabs in the old city. Dec. 1940. Arab women sat chatting whilst their washing dries
1940 - 12
Arab women in the old city. Jerusalem. Dec. 1940.
1940 - 12
Arab women in the old city. Jerusalem. Dec. 1940.
1940 - 12
David's Tower. Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. Jaffe Gate with David's Tower in the background.
1940 - 12
David's Tower. Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. A closer view of David's Tower
1940 - 12
Views showing some surrounding. Overlooking the Arab and Jewish Cemetaries, note the flat topped houses
Views showing some surrounding. A view down the side of part of the wall which surrounds the "Old City"
Of the districts. A view from "The Golden Gate" showing, "Church of all Nations", "Russian Orthodox Church" and in the background the "Mount of Olives"
In the old city. The road to the Zion Gate.
Jerusalem Dec. 1940. Old "The Pay Office”
1940 - 12
Jerusalem Dec. 1940. And new, "The Jerusalem Services Club"
1940 - 12
A showshine in the "old city" Dec. 1940. Myself
1940 - 12
A showshine in the "old city" Dec. 1940. Cpls Wilmot & Hughes
1940 - 12
Snaps in sunny December. Cpl Hughes and the Secretariat Guard
1940 - 12
Snaps in sunny December. In the "old city" taken by myself.
1940 - 12
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. In the Town. Cpl Hughes.
1940 - 12
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. At the Regimental Pay Office in the "Old City" Myself
1940 - 12
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. Outside the old "Corps & Services” Pay Office Bert Mason
1940 - 12
Jerusalem. Dec. 1940. At the top of the Y.M.C.A. Tower Cpl. Clarke (Nobby) and Myself
1940 - 12