1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
1940 - 10
Jack Vernon
1940 - 10
Pte. Ferguson
1940 - 10
Jack Vernon
1940 - 10
The Entrance to the Tomb
1940 - 10
The interior of the Tomb showing the carved stone in the form of a recess
1940 - 10
1940 - 10
A view of the Mount of Olives Village in the background with the old wall of Jerusalem on the right hand side
1940 - 10
The Entrance to the Virgin Mary's Tomb. Oct. 1940.
1940 - 10
An Altar in St Anne's Chapel. Oct. 1940.
1940 - 10
The road from the Church and Garden of Gethsemene where it can be seen on the right hand side
1940 - 10
A view of Jerusalem from the steps of the Russian Orthodox Church
1940 - 10
"Gordon Carter" smiling & debonair
Arthur Heywood, Fitzsimmons & Gordon Carter
2 of the Syndicate Ptes Robertson & Sutherland
1940 - 11
Cpl Robertson with Pte Gave behind as usual in bed
1940 - 11
A Sunday Afternoon spent with Mr & Mrs. Lovitch, L to R. Cpl Clarke, Mrs. Lovitch Mr Lovitch and I.
A Sunday afternoon spent with Mr & Mrs. Lovitch, Mr. Lovitch
Jerusalem. A view of the New City from the top of the Y.M.C.A. Tower. Nov. 1940.
1940 - 11
In the office. A Self Taken Portrait. Nov. 1940
1940 - 11
On the roof of the Secretariat. Pte Fountain.
On the roof of the Secretariat. Pte Fountain.
Room 12 the Secretariat. A time exposure of my kit.
At the office. A view of the Section