1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
Y.M.C.A. Cairo Mar. & April 1942. Fred Nias & I.
1942 - 03
Y.M.C.A. Cairo Mar. & April 1942. Fred Nias
Y.M.C.A. Cairo Mar. & April 1942. Ralph Russell
Y.M.C.A. Cairo Mar. & April 1942. Uncle Ted. Genefia [sic] Mar. 42.
Y.M.C.A. Cairo Mar. & April 1942. Uncle Ted and I.
Cairo March & April 1942. “At the Sphinx”.
Cairo March & April 1942. On the way to the Pyramids
Cairo March & April 1942. “Ernie Waters” P/O. R.A.F.
Cairo March & April 1942. 2/Lieut. Ralph Russell
Cairo March & April 1942. 2/Lieut. Ralph Russell
The Pyramids November 1943 (Cairo conference Churchill & Roosevelt) “By the Sphinx”
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943.
1943 - 11
Cairo. November 1943. A Royal Procession. King Farouk's Carriage
1943 - 11
Cairo. November 1943. A Royal Procession. Russian Statesmen's Carriage
1943 - 11
Cairo. November 1943. A Royal Procession. Leading Horsemen
1943 - 11
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. Fouad-El-Awal
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. The Midan outside the R.A.P.C. Sgt's Mess
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. Opera Square
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. P/O. Bob Sivyer. R.A.F. "One for the Road"
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. Some snaps taken towards the close of day. Harry Houghton & I at Gezira, Cairo.
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. A Mosque & Minaret in Mena village with the main pyramid in the background.
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. "The Sheikh refused to look towards the camera".
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. S.S.M. McLaughlan, Fritz Jochem U.S.N. and of course The Sphinx
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. Mac relaxing on a trek through Mena village.
1944 - 01