1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A street in the old city, note the dome of the Mosque of Omar in the background.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. One of the entrances to the Temple Area and the Mosque of Omar.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A view across the Temple Area, showing the Mosque of Omar (centre), taken from the Bell Tower of the Church of the Holy Sephulcre [sic]
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. "Davids Tower"
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. “The Manger”
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Ramleh Cemetery. Oct. 1941. Four photographs of a very good friends grave. “Cpl. Geoffrey Alan Willmott”
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Ramleh Cemetery. Oct. 1941. Four photographs of a very good friends grave. “Cpl. Geoffrey Alan Willmott”
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Ramleh Cemetery. Oct. 1941.
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Ramleh Cemetery. Oct. 1941.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. An Arab making cakes in a bazaar in the old city.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941., “An Orthodox Jew” note the strange hat and coat.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Pte Roberts. In the office
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Pte Roberts. Sunbathing.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. In the grounds of R.P.M.E.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. “Mrs Smith” ”On her balcony”
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A comparison between old and new Jerusalem “An Arab plough” note the primitive type
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A comparison between old and new Jerusalem. A Modern Building. "The Anglo-Palestine Bank"
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. “The Citadel”
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. The Stone in The Church of the Holy Sephulcre [sic]
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A view of Jerusalem stretching from The Mount of Olives to the Y.M.C.A.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Cpl. Ogston & MacDonald
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941 My desk in R.P.M.E.
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Jerusalem. Nov. 1941. The Russian Orthodox Church
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Jerusalem. Nov. 1941. The Citadel Showing the ruins and Davids Tower
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