1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
Jerusalem. Aug. 1941. A snap taken on the Old City wall of Cpl. Payne (centre) and two friends.
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Jerusalem. Aug. 1941, “Sandy” Cpl. Ogston R.A.P.C.
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Jerusalem. Aug. 1941. "Myself"
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Jerusalem. Aug. 1941. “Sandy”
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Jerusalem. Aug. 1941. “Myself”
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. The Church of the Nativity. The entrance, small door in centre of the picture.
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. The Church of the Nativity. The great hall used by the Greek Orthodox
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. The Manger. The votive lamps are always burning.
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. The Manger. The votive lamps are always burning.
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. A general view of the town, the Church of the Nativity can be seen in the top left hand corner of the picture
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Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. The famous "Bells" which peal out to all corners of the world at Christmas.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. The Russian Orthodox Church.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. The Ethiopian Church.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Zion Circus and Jaffa Road.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Zion Circus and Jaffa Road.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Pte. Bolan. Taken in the Syrian Orphanage.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. L/Cpl. Cocker.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Pte Bolan.
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Tel-Aviv. Oct. 1941. Sea front "New Prom"
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Tel-Aviv. Oct. 1941. Jaffa Bay & Prom.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Cpl Payne. (Dennis)
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. Myself.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. L/Cpl. Linford.
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Jerusalem. Oct. 1941. A view of the Mount of Olives with the Mosque of Omar, taken from the top of the Church of the Holy Sephulcre [sic]
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