1880'lerden 1970'lere kadar 40.000'den fazla fotoğraf, Kıbrıs yaşamının birçok yönüne değiniyor: anıtları, manzaraları ve insanları. Kıbrıs'ın eski Cumhurbaşkanı Glafkos Klerides'e ait 5.000 fotoğraftan oluşan özel bir koleksiyon, adanın 1960-2012 arasındaki siyasi tarihini görsel olarak sunuyor.
The staff of No.11 Advanced Base Pay Office. M.E.F. Cyprus 1943. British Military Personnel
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 1/4 Piastre
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 1/2 Piastre
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 3/4 Piastre
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 1 Piastre
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 1 1/2 Piastres
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 2 Piastres
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 2 1/2 Piastres
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 3 Piastres
ca. 1943
Postage stamps of Cyprus King George VI. 4 1/2 Piastres
ca. 1943
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. Outside the Sgts. Mess.
1943 - 10
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. Pte. Sharp
1943 - 10
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. S/Sgt. Beresford
1943 - 10
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. S/Sgt. Hurst.
1943 - 10
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. S/Sgt. Hurst
1943 - 10
Nicosia, Cyprus. October 1943. "Outside No.11 A.B.P.O."
1943 - 10
The Pyramids November 1943 (Cairo conference Churchill & Roosevelt) “By the Sphinx”
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943.
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943. “On the sea wall”
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943.
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943. “Cleopatre's Temple”
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943. Mohamed Aly [sic] Square
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943. Stanley Bay.
1943 - 11
Alexandria November 1943. “The happy leave smile”
1943 - 11