Birçok eşya birçok anıyı tetikler ve harika hikayeler anlatır: Hükümet Konağında dalgalanan son bayraktan Kraliçe'nin doğum günü mönülerine, Mağusa'daki toplama kamplarında basılan Yahudi gazetelerine, Kıbrıs sigara kutuları ve Hükümet Konağı konuk kitaplarına vb.
Silver fork and spoon for sweets
ca. 1940
Wooden spoon
ca. 1960
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl
ca. 1500
Turkish nickel tray
ca. 1900
Ottoman wooden spoon
19th century
Wooden plate
Clay plate
Turkish water jug
19th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Medieval ceramic glazed bowl, sgraffito
16th century
Ironstone plate from the first dinner service used at the Government House named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca
Oval plate from the first dinner service used at the government house named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca
Ironstone plate from the first dinner service used at the government house named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca
Ironstone plate from the first dinner service used at the government house named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca
Serving dish from the first dinner service used at the government house named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca
Oval dish from the first dinner service used at the government house named “Cyprus” and inspired by the Salt Lake of Larnaca