Birçok eşya birçok anıyı tetikler ve harika hikayeler anlatır: Hükümet Konağında dalgalanan son bayraktan Kraliçe'nin doğum günü mönülerine, Mağusa'daki toplama kamplarında basılan Yahudi gazetelerine, Kıbrıs sigara kutuları ve Hükümet Konağı konuk kitaplarına vb.
Ottoman inkwell
Silver bowl
ca. 1957
Commemorative medal of the opening of the Larnaca International Airport
A pair of door stoppers
ca. 1878
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Ottoman flag finial
16th century
Russian Triptych of Ayios Nicholas
18th century
Gothic Triptych from Central Europe
16th - 17th century
19th century
Rose water bottle
19th century
Incense burner
19th century
Jug with lid
19th century
Yogurt bowl with lid
19th century
Silver rose water sprinkler
19th century
Filigree buckle
ca. 1870
Silver headdress
19th century
Pair of belt buckles
19th century
Belt buckles
19th century
Belt buckle
19th century
Pair of belt buckles
19th century