Birçok eşya birçok anıyı tetikler ve harika hikayeler anlatır: Hükümet Konağında dalgalanan son bayraktan Kraliçe'nin doğum günü mönülerine, Mağusa'daki toplama kamplarında basılan Yahudi gazetelerine, Kıbrıs sigara kutuları ve Hükümet Konağı konuk kitaplarına vb.
Glass petrol lamp
19th century
Cyprus Larnaca lake salt
20th century
Baby feeder
20th century
Glass container and ink jar
20th century
Cupping jars
20th century
Painted glass pane
Glass container
19th century
Soda maker
20th century
Glass Sowerby jar
20th century
Pair of Bohemian petrol lamps
19th century
Plain Turkish drinking vessel
19th century
Emerald green drinking vessel
19th century
Turquoise drinking vessel
19th century
Opaline rose water sprinkler
19th century
Blue drinking vessel
19th century
Green drinking vessel with roundel designs
19th century
Dark green glass vessel
19th century
Beige rose water sprinkler
19th century
Blue glass rose water sprinkler
19th century
White vase with pink flowers
1970 - 1980
Glass bed pan
20th century
Wine glass
20th century
Oil lamp
19th century
Drinking Glasses
20th century