Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Bethlehem. Oct. 1941. A general view of the town, the Church of the Nativity can be seen in the top left hand corner of the picture
1941 - 10
Ain [sic] Karem, Nr. Jerusalem. The village
1942 - 04
Up in the mountains of Cyprus August 1943 Platres village from Mount Troodos
1943 - 08
Up in the mountains of Cyprus August 1943 Pano Platres from the side of Mount Olympus 5,600 feet.
1943 - 08
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. "The Sheikh refused to look towards the camera".
1944 - 01
Two photograhs taken in Jan. 44 which I consider worth enlarging. The Sheikh in Mena village.
1944 - 01
Palestine. June & July 1944. Haifa. Accross the bay.
Platres village
ca. 1918
ca. 1918
Pedoulas Promenade
ca. 1918
Pedoulas Village General view
ca. 1918
Ktima Papho
ca. 1918
Summer Resort, Pedoulas, Cyprus
20th century
Village in Cyprus
ca. 1930
ca. 1930
ca. 1930
Platres, a summer resort of Cyprus
20th Century
Panoramic view of Platres
20th Century
Village in Cyprus
20th Century
Landscape showing a village with mountains in the background
20th century
Campsite in Troodos
20th Century
Village in Troodos
20th Century
Houses in Troodos
20th Century
Village in Cyprus
20th Century