Περισσότερες από 40.000 φωτογραφίες από το 1880 μέχρι το 1970 αγγίζουν διάφορες πτυχές της ζωής στην Κύπρο: τα μνημεία, τα τοπία και τους ανθρώπους της. Μία ξεχωριστή συλλογή 5000 φωτογραφιών ανήκει στον πρώην πρόεδρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας Γλαύκο Κληρίδη και απεικονίζει την πολιτική ιστορία του νησιού από το 1960-2012.
Cairo March & April 1942. “At the Sphinx”.
Cairo March & April 1942. On the way to the Pyramids
Cairo March & April 1942. “Ernie Waters” P/O. R.A.F.
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. A Mosque & Minaret in Mena village with the main pyramid in the background.
1944 - 01
Cairo January 1944. A day at The Pyramids. "The Sheikh refused to look towards the camera".
1944 - 01
“Sakkarah” 25 kilometres from Cairo. Jan. 1944. A stone coffin in the foreground with excavations etc. and the Step Pyramid of Sakkarah in the rear.
1944 - 01
Two photograhs taken in Jan. 44 which I consider worth enlarging. The Sheikh in Mena village.
1944 - 01
Two photograhs taken in Jan. 44 which I consider worth enlarging. This photograph was taken 'into' the sun, it is the mosque & minaret of the village of Mena
1944 - 01
Cairo Feb. & March 1944. Mena House Hotel & Pyramids
Three soldiers on camels in front of the sphinx and great pyramid
Cairo, Sphinx and Pyramides
20th century
Cairo, Arabic village and Pyramides
20th century
Cairo, The Pyramid
20th century
Pyramid's of Egypt
20th century
Cairo, The sphinx
20th century
The Pyramids and Sphinx
20th century
The Pyramids and Sphinx
20th century
The Pyramids and Sphinx
20th century
Giza Road
20th century
Memphis & Sak[k]ara [sic]
20th century
Sak[k]ara [sic]
20th century
20th century
Climbing the Great Pyramid
20th century
Climbing the Great Pyramid
20th century